Miyerkules, Mayo 18, 2011

Araw araw kay MARIA (Everyday with Mary)


This day I planned to go to church and share to you one of our Church's Activity here @ San Juan and we called this "MAY FLOWER OFFERING", when the Month of May arrives many children from different baranggay in San Juan goes to church every 3 pm to pray the rosary and offer flowers to Mama Mary.

   Before the rosary starts, the Catechist in our Parish teaches Cathecism to children especially the story behind the 20 mysteries of the HOLY ROSARY.  


I was so happy to see many children listening and attending this kind of Activities because of this they will learn many things about the Faith of the Church. I was also amazed because they even know how to pray the rosary and also recite the prayers perfectly even though they were so young, they even surpass some of the adults.

The Rosary

When the rosary starts the children sang the song MAGNIFICAT with the choir after that they kneel and begun reciting the rosary, every after the decades the children sang diff. songs in honor of the Virgin Mary

After the rosary some of kids present a short presentation for MAMA MARY. :D
Flower Offering

  After the Presentation the children fall in line and begun offering flowers to Mama Mary while singing. Araw-araw kay Maria


Araw-araw kay Maria
Kami ay nagdarasal
Si Mariang Ina namin
Ibig naming marangal

Kanyang tulong lagi-lagi
Kami ay humihiling
Siya’y aming pupurihin
Tuwing araw at gabi

Kung kami’y nasa panganib
Kay Maria tatakbo
Siya’y aming tatawagin
Kung lalapit ang tukso

O, Maria tutulungan
Kaming nangabubuhay
Kami ay ipanalangin
Kung kami’y mamamatay


   After the Flower Offering the kids go out of the church to get their snacks sponsored by the Family Rosary Crusade and Music Ministry of St.John the Baptist Parish Pinaglabanan San Juan.

  After the snacks all children go home and will return tomorrow for another Flower Offering!
I wish every parishes have this kind of activity because it helps children to know the church more. :D Next May 20 our baranggay will be the sponsor of this activity and I wish their would be more children to come.

Martes, Mayo 17, 2011

JC Fiesta May 15,2011

 Holy Cross

Last Sunday May 15,2011 my friend Jon Christian Cuerdo, celebrated their yearly baranggay fiesta in honor of their patron, a Holy Cross that had been found floating in the manila bay, this cross became the patron of 1,2 and 3 Barrio May Tubig Pasay city, It has been their tradition to venerate the holy cross every May 15 for more than 100 years.

Bro Jon Chritian "JC" Cuerdo

 Bro.Jc is a devotee of the holy cross, so when he was in grade 6 he planned to join his Virgin Mary of Manaoag to the procession of the Holy Cross every May. At first he is the only one who is fixing the "CAROSA" from the Electric circuit up to the flower decorations but after how many years some of his friends were encouraged to help him.


This is the statue of Bro.JC's very own our Lady of Manaoag and as you can see his motif for this year is Blue Virgin Mary. :D

 Bro. JC is a very hardworking man.

 The Procession starts at 7pm and the whole Barrio was participating and they have their own marching bands, Santa Cruzan and many images of saints.The Procession end at around 9pm. Some important facts:  Did you know that the flowers used to decorate Mama Mary's CAROSA was from BAGUIO CITY and it cost 4,000 php-5,000 php.

BRO. JC w/ his family and the Virgin Mary...

 Images of the Virgin Mary!!!

Once again Happy Fiesta!!!  1,2 and 3 barrio may tubig Pasay City and Congratulations Bro. JC!

The Traditional Mass

The Traditional Mass

     Last Saturday I met a wonderful old woman named Tita Lita, she is a devoted traditional mass goer and I'm so happy because after how many months of searching, God gave her to me to become my guide as I start my participation in the RESTORATION of the Traditional Mass.

   For those people who don't know what is the Traditional Mass I'm going to give you some information about it. Traditional mass or also known as the LATIN mass was a Eucharistic Celebration were the PRIEST is not looking to the FAITHFUL or to the PARISHIONERS, it is a kind of mass were the language used is LATIN but when the time comes when the Latin Language is dying, the Catholic church revise the mass and transform it to the NOVUM ORDER MASS A.K.A Vatican II were the priest is already facing the faithful and using the Main Language in the Country.

  In the reign of Pope Benedict XVI the present pope, he ordered that the Latin mass should be practice and not be forgotten by the people because he believes that it is a treasure of the CATHOLIC CHURCH and there is so many people who are still attending this kind of MASS.

Where can I attend Traditional Mass

Facade of the Church

In the diocese of Cubao, Bishop Ongtioco  gave permission to practice this kind of mass in selected parishes and one of them is THE PARISH OF THE LORD OF THE DIVINE MERCY here at Quezon City. Every weekdays from Monday-Saturday they have Traditional mass @ 8am and every Sunday @ 1:30 pm. Today i'm so excited and I cannot wait to attend the mass here on SUNDAY because after how many MONTHS of waiting i can't believe that God gave me the opportunity to attend this kind of Mass.

Inside the Church

If u want to go here click this site for some information http://pldmqc.multiply.com/
If U want to know more about what is a Traditional mass visit this site http://www.sanctamissa.org/

I forgot in a Traditional Mass Women are obligate to to wear "PALDA" and "Belo" while Men are obligate to wear Slack pants and Polo. :D


FEATURED saint of the day MAY 17

St.Paschal of Baylon

(May 24,1540-May 17, 1592)

      From his childhood St.Paschal was a shepherd and born in a poor family in the Kingdom of Aragon, he spend his youth reading many religious books.At the age of 24 St.Paschal entered the new reformed order of the Franciscan priest.

     St.Paschal always spend his nights praying and spend an hour kneeling in  front of the Blessed sacrament.St.Paschal is also known for his  mottos in life.

1.. I should think of myself as a rotting, smelling, dead person.
2. If anyone hurts me, I deserve it, because I am a sinner.  They can tear out my eyes, cut off my ears and tongue, and injure my whole body.
3. I should not be angry if others think the same, about these two points.  I should think it a favour, if I am told to do penance and make sacrifices.
4. If I get discouraged when doing penance or making sacrifices, I should think of Jesus who was innocent and suffered because He loved me. 

   In 1592 St.Paschal died because in the monastery because of odor of sanctity. He was Beatified by POPE Paul V and Canonized by Alexander VII on October 16,1690. He was considered patron saint of Eucharistic congresses and Eucharistic association.

Martes, Mayo 10, 2011

Mary The mother of God

the Immaculate Conception Mary 
  This doctrine states from the very beginning of her origin, Mother Mary was privileged to be kept out of original sin or its stain ( "Immaculate" means w/o sin) because of the special grace given to her by God. This centuries old doctrine was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in the Constitution Ineffabillis Deus of Dec 8,1854

Pope Pius IX...

The Immaculate Conception and misconception

 Anti Catholic pastors vehemently attack the doctrine of the Immacualate Conception and try to confuse many by showing three objections against this doctrine.

1. The Doctrine is a new creation of the Catholic Church by pope Pius ix

2.Mother Mary is not sinless because Rom 3:23 states, "all have sinned" If that is the case, there can be no exception to Mother Mary and she is to be considered a sinner!

3.In Luke 1:47 Mary says: "my spirit rejoices in God my savior" This is a proof that Mary herself admits she is saved by God and so she is not "immaculate"



    The dogma of Immaculate Conception of Mary is based on the biblical revelation of "holiness." In the beginning of salvation history when God promised "a savior" he also revealed "the enmity" between sinfulness and sinlessness. The first scriptural passage which contains the promise of the redemption  also mentions the MOTHER of the REEDEMER: "the enemy of sin"

Gn 3:15: "I will put enmity between you ( the serpent, Satan) and the woman (Mary), and between your offspring (minions of Satan) and hers (Jesus); he will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel."

 Here, It is clear that God  was speaking about the savior, whom he plans to send, and that Savior was none other than Jesus.
 " The conquerer from the seed of the woman, who should crush the serpent's head, is Christ; the woman at enmity between her and Satan in the same manner and measure, as there is enmity between Christ and the seed of the serpent. Mary was ever to be in that exalted state of soul which the serpent had destroyed in man.

In the old testament  we can notice the instence of God to keep the womb of the mother of his choosen ones most pure and perfect. Before  the Birth of Samson, the Judge of israel, God wanted his mother to be pure. this pure state of the mother during the pregnancy was repeated many times in the Bible for emphasis.

  Judges 13:3-4: An angel of the lord appeared to the woman and said to her, "though you are barren and had no children, yet you will conceive and bear a son. Now then, be careful to take no wine or strong drink and to eat nothing unclean.
 Judges 13:7: But he (the angel) said to me, You will be with child and bear a son. Sotake neither wine nor drink, and eat nothing unclean. For the boy shall be consecrated to God from the womb, until the day of his death.

In the new testament it is angel gabriel from heaven that reveals the "Immaculate state" of Mother Mary.

 In Lk 1:28 Mary was greeted by the angel: "full of grace" or as others translate, "highly favored one" ( The original word used here in greek is CHARITOO.) This salutation of the Angel gabriel is different from the usual angelic greetings. It indicates that Mary was EXCEPTIONALLY "HIGHLY FAVORED WITH GARCE" 


 "Scriptural basis of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception: Pius XII, in Fulgens Corona, 1953 wrote: "...the foundation of this doctrine is seen in the very Sacred Scripture itself, in which God... after the wretched fall of Adam addressed the serpent in this word.. ' I will put emnity...'But if at any time, the Blessed Virgin Mary, defiled in her Conception with the heredity of stain of sin, had been devoid of divine grace, then at least, even though for a very brief moment of time, there would not have been that eternal enmity between her and the serpent... but instead there would have a certain subjection.

 Pope Paul VI says  about the Immaculate Conception of Mary more fully in his credo of the People of God (1968): "We believe that Mary is the Mother, who remained ever a virgin, of the incarnate Word of God and Savior Jesus Christ, and that by reason of this singular election, she was, in consideration of the merits of her Son, redeemed in a more eminent manner, preserved from all stain of original sin, and filled with the gift of grace more than all other creatures.
 Early Protestant thinkers were more devoted to Mary than some of their succesors. martin Luther, for example, was a firm believer in the immaculate Conception. he wrote: "The infusion of mary's soul was effected w/o original sin.. From the frist moment she bagan to live she was free from all sin" (Martin luther, sermon: On the Day of the Conception of the mother of God.)

COURTESY OF KNOW THE TRUTH by Fr. Paul  Kaiparambadan

For me the dogma of the Immaculate Conception is so easy, Why? 

Think of a glass and a pitcher of water, imagine Mary is the glass were God is going to put Christ the savior as a water. Are you going to put water in a dirty container? Just like God do you think he will put Christ his son to a sinful woman? Now think and reflect to this question...

Tomorrow I'm going to post about the Controversy about the assumption of Mother Mary, I hope you learn something today.
 Hello Everyone! 

        This is my first time to post something here and I'm very nervous, so first I'm going to introduce myself...


I was born on December 21,1995 and on the year of 1996 of April 16 I was baptized and now one of the Billion members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church established by CHRIST himself before he died on the CROSS for the sake of our sins.

 This photo of mine was taken on February 24, 2006 when I was in Grade 3. This is the first time I'm going to received the blessed sacrament or A.K.A as the consecrated Bread in the mass, as you can see in the picture I'm so happy on that day because from that very moment  I can now serve God as an ALTAR SERVER in my own parish.

 This is the INTERIOR image of the church I'm serving as an ALTAR SERVER and I'm very proud because last MARCH 3, 2011 I celebrated my 5th Anniversary.

This image was taken 2009 of December 16 or 15, from this day the seal of the Holy spirit given to me on the day I was baptized was now CONFIRMED by Msngr. Montemayor and my very one Parish priest Rev.Fr. Francisco Ungria jr by the faculty given to them by the BISHOP.

From my left to right: Winico Buban my NINONG, Me, Myself and I and my GORGEOUS mother Laltyn Bulilan.


I have only one dream for myself and that is to become a faithful servant of God in 
             Persona Christie or in the other word as a PRIEST!

There are only 3 reasons why I want to become a priest and it is because of CHRIST LOVE, LOVE and LOVE that I want to share my life to others, to defend the CATHOLIC faith and to proclaim the GOSPELS.

    So Goodbye for now! Tomorrow I'm going to share teachings about the most CONTROVERSY woman of all time... "MARY the MOTHER of GOD" :D